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Affirmative Agenda
Consider how antagonistic Utah's political environment is toward simple ethics and decency. Read more.

Bloomberg's Busy Bees
What do Utah's past and present officials think of your right to keep and bear arms? Read more.

Evolutionary Quotes
"There is no maxim in my opinion which is more liable to be misapplied, and which therefore needs elucidation than the current one that the interest of the majority is the political standard of right and wrong.... In fact it is only reestablishing under another name a more specious form, force as the measure of right...."James Madison. Read more.

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Reclaiming Words from the International Criminal Cartel

Update for 7/24/2023: Under the cloak of big corporations, an International Criminal Cartel (ICC) devised and marketed names, terms, and phrases to dominate every social and political conflict.  The objective: Sell a new language that promotes the cartel's world agenda to an unsuspecting public.  To learn more and take ownership and control of your language, click here.


What YOU Can Do

Update for 4/6/2021: As America's collapse accelerates, gun owners still have time to prepare themselves and their communities for the tyranny and chaos ahead.

Only a highly-informed and active community can resist and overcome the manipulation, deception, fraud, and danger infesting every corner of society. You must take independent responsibility to help create this community.

This article provides ideas to help you hold your government accountable, reduce the influence of Utah's spider web-like network of corruption, and protect your neighborhoods and communities from violent threats. To read the article, click here.


Past Revelations...


Tracking Utah's Criminal Cabal

Alert for 2/26/2021: The inmates are running Utah's swamp-infested insane asylum (aka "legislature").  There is little "good" to report, and mountains of "bad" and "ugly" in the form of hundreds of heinous bills that will pass before the clown show ends on March 5th.

UT Gun Rights' objective is to identify and expose the worst-of-the-worst bills.  There are too many threats to discuss them all.

The arrogance, narcissism, and corruption openly flaunted by lobbyists and officials is unprecedented.  They are demonstrating why Utah now ranks as the 2nd most corrupt state in America.  And why Utah's notorious "pay-to-play" political climate also earns it the pathetic reputation as "Affinity Fraud Capital of America."

Make no mistake... A spiderweb-like network of criminals drove Utah into this abyss.

To see the 2021 Bill Tracking Page, click here.

COSTCO: Are YOU a Card-Carrying Member of this Gun Control Organization?

Alert for 5/4/2020: From turning its facilities into victim disarmament zones to funneling millions-of-dollars to rabid gun-controlling Democrats, the COSTCO Wholesale "family" has embraced the very nightmares that reduced its headquarters city, Seattle, Washington, into a feces-infested, crime-ridden Democrat hell hole.  To learn more, click here.

Utah Gun Owners Protest:

Will GOP Politicians Listen?

Update for 2/10/2020: On Saturday, more than a thousand Utahans descended on the capitol to protest the runaway Republican regime that seems determined to defy their rights and will.  To see pictures shared by attendants, and commentary, click here.

Armed Texas Non-Mormons Stop Shooter: Lessons for Disarmed Mormons*

Alert for 1/6/2020: On Dec. 29, 2019, during services at the West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement City, Texas, an individual concealing a shotgun opened fire, murdering two church members.  An armed member of the church returned fire and killed the assailant in a matter of critical seconds, and before he could continue the carnage.

What lessons can be learned, especially for Mormons* in Utah and throughout the world who were recently commanded, in no uncertain terms, to disarm themselves when attending facilities they paid for?   To learn more, click here.

* "Mormons" are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

IKEA: Importing Cheap Gun Control from Sweden

11/17/19: Beto O'Rourke, the first U.S. presidential candidate to publicly advocate for the violent mass confiscation of firearms from innocent gun owners, isn't alone in his totalitarian views.  Many Utah corporations have turned their facilities into victim disarmament zones, inviting violence against their own customers and employees.  Some have publicly funded radical gun control efforts, and others have advocated gun control publicly.

IKEA is one such corporation, importing "weapon free zones" and United Nations gun control schemes all the way from Sweden to Utah.  To learn more, click here.

Warning! Utah's "Cannabis" Bill Designed to Entrap Gun Owners

Alert for 9/23/2019: Senate Bill 1002 (Entrap Gun Owners over Cannabis), unanimously passed in last week's "special session", is designed to lure gun owners into participating in a complex and convoluted gun control nightmare.

Rather than protecting gun owners from federal Statute Enforcement Agents (SEAs), or even clearly warning them they must surrender their firearms under federal code in order to participate, SB 1002 introduces language designed to deceive them into falsely believing that state SEAs will respect their rights.  Gun owners who participate in this program will potentially open themselves and their families to unjust harassment, arrest, incarceration, and ruin.

To read this important warning, and learn what you can do about it, click here.

Mormon Corporation President Russell Nelson A-Buzz for Gun Control

Update for 9/2/2019: Gun control commando and former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, co-founder of Mayors Against Illegal Guns and similar enterprises, enjoys plenty of support amongst Utah's wanna-bee elitists.

For example, Mormon Corporation President Russell Nelson has moved beyond words to put the lives of criminals ahead of the lives of innocents.  To examine his Bloomberg's Busy Bees quote and gun control projects, click here.

Can Utah Resist the Illegal Alien Invasion?

Criminal illegal aliens, the vast majority of whom favor more gun controllandd candidates more openly devoted to the gun control agendaa, continue to pour across Utah's welcoming borders.

Are Utahans helpless to curb theAre Utahans helpless to curb the violent crime, disease, voter fraud, and other upheaval they bring in their wake?  Is Utah at the mercy of a depraved federal regime?

Contrary to myths perpetrated by the corporate and political elitists who comprise Utah's spider web-like network of corruption, the state is not powerless. 

Your spineless officials could, if sufficiently motivated, take substantive political action to resist and curtail the criminal elements increasingly infesting Utah.

For examples, see UT Gun Rights' Affirmative Agenda by clicking here.

Announcing the 2016 Utah Government Corruption Report
(Alert 1/25/16): Learn how your house and senate statutators, and Executive Monarch Gary "BB Gun Background Checks" Herbert, betrayed you.

This report demonstrates how Utah’s culture of political corruption operates, and how gun owners are played for fools.

Only a highly-informed community can overcome the manipulation, deception, and fraud underlying this “pay-to-play” society.  To read the report, click here.

Meet the Two Bullies Who Are Stealing Your Rights
(Update for 3/10/15): In the final hours before the 2015 session ends at Midnight this Thursday (March 12), hundreds of bills most statutators have never read, let alone understand, will be passed in drone-like fashion.  Among these bills will be numerous attacks against your natural rights.

This will not happen by accident.  Two men, house speaker Greg Hughes and senate president Wayne Niederhauser, bully the entire statutarium (i.e. "legislature") and run roughshod over your elected officials.  They set the agenda and your statutators obediently follow it.

How can this happen?  Why do your statutators tolerate such an abusive arrangement?  And what can be done to stop it? To learn more, click here.

Sheriffs' Association President Whines at UT Gun Rights
(Alert for 1/2/14): Utah Sheriffs' Association president Jim Tracy emailed to contest UT Gun Rights' alert, "Why Did Utah's Sheriffs Oppose HB 76?"

Demonstrating classic politician behavior, Tracy complained, offered to hold a verbal conversation, and then declined to provide written specifics regarding his original objections. To explore his lamentations, click here.

Courts of InJustice versus Clark Aposhian
(Update for 6/17/13):  Here we expose how this Government subverts fair trials and the consequences of this subversion for Clark Aposhian.  Specifically, Aposhian faces a system in which:

* unreasonable seizures occur,
* the right to Counsel is effectively denied,
* the right to a public trial by an impartial jury is obstructed, and
* deprivation of life, liberty, and property may occur without authentic due process of law.

To read this update, click here.

Why Would the USSC Chair Privately Lobby Against HB 76 S1?
(Alert for 5/21/13): A fundamental tactic of the anti-gun lobby is to manufacture false friends for you.  Always be apprehensive about those who tell you things you want to hear. 

To read a revealing communication between USSC Chair, Clark Aposhian, and governor Herbert's Deputy for Community Outreach, Mike Mower, click here.







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