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Alerts for 1/31/2013
Control Bill (HB 28) Flies Through the House
Monarch-ess, Rebecca Lockhart, is determined to fast-track a
gun control bill that will empower her bureaucrat university
allies to establish victim disarmament zones. Learn why gun
control bills fly through the house, why Rebecca Lockhart is
responsible, how your "representative" is being played
for a fool, and what you can do about it.
Click here.
Gun Owners" Takes Stand Against SB 120
thanks to Utah Gun Owners (utgo.org
and on
Facebook) for helping get the word out regarding SB 120,
and the games being played by the Senate Monarch, Wayne
Niederhauser, against your rights. See their insightful
video and write-up at
SB 120 would vastly expand the political power of one
person, the state forester, granting him/her near-absolute
power to selectively target gun owners for harassment. For
our threat assessment of SB 120,
click here.
The war is underway for your rights.
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