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Home > Free Ammo Page > Beto's Beehives > Perpetrator Profile: COSTCO: Are YOU a Card-Carrying Member of this Gun Control Organization?

COSTCO: Are YOU a Card-Carrying Member of this Gun Control Organization?
Last updated: 5/4/2020

Summary: From turning its facilities into victim disarmament zones to funneling millions-of-dollars to rabid gun-controlling Democrats, the COSTCO Wholesale "family" has embraced the very nightmares that reduced its headquarters city, Seattle, Washington, into a feces-infested, crime-ridden Democrat hell hole.

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Creating a No-Go Zone for Your Family

Why Is COSTCO Subverting Utah Statute?

Loose Cannons in Charge of the Henhouse

Costco's Political Crime Family

Unmasking COSTCO's New Mandatory Facemask Policy Folly

Joe Biden getting all "familial" with his fellow gun control zealot, COSTCO founder Jim Sinegal.  Both enjoyed the protection of an armed, elite, taxpayer-funded security team.
Creating a No-Go Zone for Your Family

COSTCO now actively promotes an environment where criminals are encouraged to run rampant and law-abiding citizens are disarmed.  From the COSTCO "Member Privileges & Conditions" page:

"Costco policy prohibits firearms to be brought into the warehouse, except in the case of authorized law enforcement officers." [bold added]

No open carry for either employees or customers.

No concealed carry for either employees or customers.

No secured storage for those with firearms, forcing employees and customers to leave their firearms at home or in unsecured vehicles in the COSTCO parking lot.

No commitment by COSTCO to protect you while you are in the store, or to provide any armed protection at all in its facilities.

How's all that for a "family-friendly" environment?

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Is COSTCO founder Jim Sinegal taking a "familial" page out of his darling Barack Obama's playbook?
Why is COSTCO Subverting Utah Statute?

According to Utah statute 76-10-530, a gun owner "may not knowingly and intentionally... transport into", "enter or remain in", a "private residence" (primary or secondary) if "notice" is given by either:

* "Personal" (i.e. in person) communication to the gun owner by someone from the organization, or,

* By the posting of clear signs.

Follow the bolded portions of that statute below:

(1) A person, including a person licensed to carry a concealed firearm pursuant to Title 53, Chapter 5, Part 7, Concealed Firearm Act, after notice has been given as provided in Subsection (2) that firearms are prohibited, may not knowingly and intentionally:
(a) transport a firearm into:
(i) a house of worship; or
(ii) a private residence; or
(b) while in possession of a firearm, enter or remain in:
(i) a house of worship; or
(ii) a private residence.

(2) Notice that firearms are prohibited may be given by:
(a) personal communication to the actor by:
(i) the church or organization operating the house of worship;
(ii) the owner, lessee, or person with lawful right of possession of the private residence; or
(iii) a person with authority to act for the person or entity in Subsections (2)(a)(i) and (ii);
(b) posting of signs reasonably likely to come to the attention of persons entering the house of worship or private residence; [bold added]

Clearly, however, Costco is NOT a private residence, at least as defined by Utah statute 76-10-501:

(17) "Residence" means an improvement to real property used or occupied as a primary or secondary residence.

Utah statute 76-10-530 goes on to grant "houses of worship" unique, additional ways to avoid personal communication with the gun owner.  Only "houses of worship" can, for instance, merely contact the BCCI to let them know they want to prohibit firearms.  BCCI then posts a list of those "houses of worship" on their  "Houses of Worship Prohibiting Firearms on Premises page, and, according to statute, appropriate notice has been given to gun owners.
Note: For more history on these unique special exemptions, see, "Mormon Corporation President Russell Nelson A-Buzz for Gun Control."

 Unless perhaps in the sense that its "family" worships gun control and other globalist excrement, COSTCO is NOT a "house of worship."

The only other exception that can be found regards a "secure facility" under Utah statute 53-5-710, which, again, clearly does NOT apply to COSTCO.

It is the current understanding of UT Gun Rights that COSTCO does NOT have the explicit statutory authority to prohibit the carrying of firearms, as does a private residence or "house of worship."  Contrary opinions are demanded at info@utgunrights.com.

UT Gun Rights has some ideas that it plans to expose in the future with regard to Utah's corrupted criminal trespass and disorderly conduct statutes.  These corrupted statutes empower gun controlling businesses like COSTCO to circumvent and subvert fundamental natural rights.

In any event, COSTCO's operations in Utah demonstrate the manner in which so many of these megalithic corporate conglomerates operate: In the dark and using every vagary and nuance they can to trick and deceive their customers into buying in to their deadly gun control agenda.

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Kenneth French, a 32-year-old non-verbal autistic man, with his parents.  All three were shot, and Kenneth was killed, by an abysmally-trained Statute Enforcement Agent in a COSTCO store.
Loose Cannons in Charge of the Henhouse

COSTCO's only firearms exception is for Statute Enforcement Agents (SEAs, aka "police").  This special treatment is both dangerous and ignores reality.

For example, on July 10, 2019, SEA Salvador Sanchez shot and killed Kenneth French, a "non-verbal", "developmentally disabled" 32-year old, who had shoved the officer to the ground.

"Sanchez fired not once, but 10 shots that [not] only killed Kenneth, but also severely wounded both parents.  Less than 5 seconds elapsed between the initial push and Sanchez opening fire.  The Frenches had their backs to Officer Sanchez when he shot."
Source: "The Autism City: The Shooting at Costco," by Michael Bernick, Forbes, October 29, 2019.  

A growing body of evidence indicates that SEAs are less reliable than citizens at preventing violent crime.  Consider these examples:

* SEAs appear more likely to commit murders than citizens who possess concealed carry government "permits".

* SEAs are far more likely than the general population to commit domestic violence.

 * Concealed carry citizens are often better trained with firearms than are SEAs. Typical SEA training is abysmally inadequate.

* Armed citizens appear to be at least as successful as SEAs at stopping violent crimes.

COSTCO promotes the false narrative that natural rights are granted by government, and that government agents constitute the only legitimate defenders of a just society.

Utah gun owners should take notice: The only "family" COSTCO is promoting is its political crime family, as further described in the next topic.

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Hillary Clinton enjoying a book signing with her "family" at COSTCO.  While there, she enjoyed the protection of an armed, elite, taxpayer-funded security team.
COSTCO's Political Crime Family

The COSTCO "family" has contributed millions of dollars to overwhelmingly Democrat campaigns over the years, including a whopping $857,855 on the Democratic National Committee (DNC Services Corp), and other Democratic organizations and campaigns since 2012.
Source: OpenSecrets.org report on COSTCO WHOLESALE.

From this same report, note some of the infamous Democrat gun grabbers the COSTCO "family" has also supported:

* Joe Biden: $73,313 thus far in 2020.  When this creepy molester isn't bragging about children running their hands through his "hairy legs," this delirious current Democrat presidential frontrunner's handlers aim to ignite Uncivil War by blanket-banning AR-15s and other firearms and firearm accessories.

* Pete Buttigieg: $13,586 in 2020.  During his presidential campaign, he followed Beto's call to ban AR-15s and other firearms.

* Hillary Clinton: $57,015 in 2016.  This former(?) presidential candidate promoted a litany of Draconian gun controls.

 * Bernie Sanders: $16,640 in 2016.  As part of his plan to rescussitate world communism, he advocated sweeping gun bans.

* Barack Obama: $69,103 in 2012.  Gun owners are still attempting to recover from this notorious gun control fanatic's political abuses.  And don't forget his "executive orders."

* Kim Schrier: $33,315 (2020 and 2018).  This snowflake Democrat federal senator supports everything from universal background checks to gun confiscations to "red flag" firearm confiscations without meaningful due process.

* Maria Cantwell: $31,855 (2018 and 2012).  This feral Democrat federal senator loves anything related to gun control.  Well... except when it comes to her own private, taxpayer-funded security detail.

Are you feeling inspired to collaborate with the COSTCO "family"?

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Slaves were traditionally forced to wear masks to degrade them, and to reduce their humanity.  Enjoying the COSTCO "family's" idea of "new normal"?
Unmasking COSTCO's New Mandatory Facemask Policy Folly

The Coronavirus mask scare has highlighted the illegitimacy, unethical amorality, and profound lack of credibility by those who manage governments and megalithic corporations like COSTCO.

Americans were first informed that masks were useless and not to bother.  Then that they needed N95 masks anyway.

When people bought them anyway, they were berated for purchasing them and told that masks were only important for medical personnel.  On April 4, the CDC announced that masks are recommended, and some states now require masks.

Is this the kind of mask the COSTCO "family" is encouraging by their policies, actions, and political associations.  Learn more about this masked Texas church shooter and the armed civilian who stopped him.
Now Utahans are told that any old mask will do, regardless whether it is an N95 mask or not.

As of their May 4, 2020 policy, COSTCO requires customers to wear a covering any covering over their faces, despite the fact that numerous studies and sources indicate that such a false sense of security actually increases the health risks by those who participate.  Examples: Source 1, source 2, source 3.

COSTCO's mask policy isn't about public safety.  It's about the same kind of control and humiliation evident in the COSTCO "family's" nefarious political agenda.

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Know Some Corporate Perpetrators?

If you have photos, documents, and other information regarding Utah corporations engaged in gun control, anonymous or otherwise, please email info@utgunrights.com. Corporations must have an active physical presence, or significant online presence, in Utah.

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