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SB 62: Gun Control by Unelected Bureaucrats

Threat briefing last updated: 2/19/20 at 8:20a
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Summary: Senate Bill 62 (SB 62) reauthorizes numerous "administrative rules" created by unelected bureaucrats (aka "employees") that have the same effect as state statute.  These include gun controls and other subversions of your natural rights.

SB 62 demonstrates the lackadaisical, lazy, and compliant nature of Utah's statutators (aka "legislators").  Rather than rein in these out-of-control bureaucrats, they prefer to reaffirm their corruption.

Position: UT Gun Rights opposes this bill.

Status: Alert! This bill passed the entire state senate, and is being pushed by "leadership" through the state house.  See its bill status page. Find and contact your house, senate, and executive branch officials.

Sponsors: Jacob Anderegg ("Republican") in the senate and Marc Roberts in the house.

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1. Unelected Bureaucrats Make HALF of Utah's "Laws"

2. Legislators Approve Their "Laws" Every Year

3. "Spotlighting" Gun Owner Entrapment

4. Disarming Foster Parents

5. Lowest Evidentiary Standard Invoked to Deny Concealed Carry "Permits"

6. Appropriate Action

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1. Unelected Bureaucrats Make HALF of Utah's "Laws"

Most Utahans are entirely unaware of the existence of Utah's 4th Branch of Government.  Yet this is where the real power resides.

This 4th Branch is composed of full-time hordes of unelected state "employees," or "bureaucrats," who are in intimate league with corrupt special interests.

This bureaucratic corps busily and tirelessly saps the foundations of your natural rights.  They outgun your puny, part-time legislators, have the patience to outlast them, and know all the tricks of the trade.

The following page exposed the power of this 4th branch, and, unsurprisingly, has since been removed from the Administrative Rules website:

"Administrative Rules -- The Other Half of Utah's Codified Law
Approximately one half of Utah's codified law is written by state agencies."

Source: "Administrative Rules Affect You!" still available via WayBack Machine's Internet archival service.

Did you get the significance of that? Half of Utah's codified statutes were written by people other than your elected officials.

Here's how this rules-making process works in a nutshell: When the statutarium (aka "legislature") and Gary "Fudd" Herbert impose a statute, various unelected bureaucrats get together and "interpret" how government agencies will apply those statutes in the real world.

"…A properly enacted administrative rule has the binding effect of law. Therefore, a rule affects our lives as much as a statute passed by the legislature, restricting individuals AND the agency that issues it."
Source: ibid

These "rules" cover everything from taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand to gun control (see examples in Topics 3-5 below).

These crafty concoctions circumvent the checks and balances that are supposed to exist in a republican form of government.

Utah's rule by bureaucracy is a trademark of the apparatus typically perpetrated by tyrannical communist regimes.  For an example, see discussion of "Nomenklatura".

To get to know Utah's 4th Branch of Government, see links to existing Utah Administrative Code and a glossary of terms this bureaucratic army utilizes.

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The Utah legislature... where spineless frauds and pretenders approve bureaucratic gun control annually.
2. Legislators Approve Their "Laws" Every Year

The only effective check on these "administrative rules" is that the Utah statutarium (aka "legislature") must annually approve or reject them, or a court must strike them down.  That's it.

SB 62 gives blanket approval to ALL of these "administrative rules" — including the gun controls outlined in Topics 3-5 below.  And not just gun controls, but a host of other abominable excrement.

Make no mistake.  Every statutator (aka "legislator") votes to approve or disapprove these gun controls before the current general session ends on March 12, 2020.

To learn who manages Utah's regime, watch how your legislator bends over for his/her real masters on SB 62.

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3. "Spotlighting" Gun Owner Entrapment

As one example, under "administrative rule" R657-11-133, the statutory definition of "spotlighting" (i.e. using a spotlight to hunt, which is illegal) is expanded to make people vulnerable who,

"...use or cast the rays of any spotlight, headlight, or other artificial light to locate protected wildlife while having in possession a firearm or other weapon or device that could be used to take or injure protected wildlife..."

Or who,

"...use... a spotlight or other artificial light in a field, woodland, or forest where protected wildlife are generally found...."

In other words, an open carry camper on his way to the outhouse at night while using a flashlight is not only "spotlighting," but must rebut the charge that he is "spotlighting" even if he did not kill, or attempt to kill, any animal.

This "administrative rule" makes that camper increasingly vulnerable to being detained, arrested, charged, and convicted of "spotlighting," and having his/her firearms confiscated.

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Fraud capital states like Utah impose gun control via backroom deals and unelected bureaucrats.
4. Disarming Foster Parents

According to "administrative rule" R501-12-7, foster parents who do not have a concealed carry "permit," and who do not have their firearm on their person, must essentially live in a disarmed, or criminally-vulnerable, home environment.

From the "rule" language, with bold added and commentary in italicized brackets:

(6) Firearms, ammunition, and other weapons shall be inaccessible to children [i.e. they must be inaccessible to the owner defending his home as well]. Foster parents shall not provide a weapon to a child or permit a child to possess a weapon except as outlined in Sections 76-10-509 through 76-10-509.7.

(a) Foster parents do not have the authority of a parent or guardian under Section 76-10-509. [Not only do they have no "authority" over the children, but over themselves as well.]

(b) Firearms may be stored together with ammunition only in a locked container commercially manufactured for the secure storage of firearms.  [Perfect place for them when a violent gang invades your home in the middle of the night.]

(c) Firearms not stored in a locked container commercially manufactured for the secure storage of firearms shall be unloaded and securely locked. Ammunition for these firearms shall be kept securely locked in a separate location. [There goes your response time to a violent home invasion.]

(i) The locked storage for firearms and ammunition shall not be accessible through the same keys or combinations. [Try fumbling with different keys while thugs are coming down the hallway.]

(ii) Keys and combinations utilized to open locked storage for firearms and ammunition shall not be accessible to a foster child. [Better keep your keys on you when you sleep.]

(d) Firearms may be stored in display cases only if unloaded and rendered inoperable through the effective use of trigger locks, bolts removed, or other disabling methods. [Try re-assembling your firearm at 3am under threat of losing your life.]

(e) This does not restrict an individual's rights regarding concealed weapons permits pursuant to UC 53-5-704. [A government permission slip doesn't quite cut it.  Will you carry to bed?]

Who came up with these absurd rules?  Unelected bureaucrats who enjoy promoting gun control.

Foster parents are not offered special, free, safety training, for the public service they theoretically provide.  Rather Utah's bureaucratic class is  dedicated to preventing innocent gun owners who should have already passed a thorough background check in order to become foster parents, from protecting themselves and the children in their charge.

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"Due process" is whatever Utah's unelected bureaucrats say it is.
5. Lowest Evidentiary Standard Invoked to Deny Concealed Carry "Permits"

In American civil (ie. NOT criminal) proceedings, there are three potential "evidentiary standards," or levels of burden which a prosecutor must "satisfy," in order for the court (jury or jury-less) to rule against the accused/defendant.

The least protective standard for the accused is "preponderance of the evidence."  Here is one explanation of this standard:

"This standard requires the jury to return a judgment in favor of the plaintiff [aka "prosecutor"] if the plaintiff is able to show that a particular fact or event was more likely than not to have occurred. Some scholars define the preponderance of the evidence standard as requiring a finding that at least 51 percent of the evidence favors the plaintiff’s outcome."
Source: "Evidentiary Standards and Burdens of Proof," Justia, May 2019.

As UT Gun Rights discussed in Courts of InJustice versus Clark Aposhian, courts can easily be filled with the testimony of government agents from various agencies.  If two or more agents testify that you, the accused/defendant, should not have a concealed carry "permit," and your testimony is all you have in your defense, guess who wins the 51% challenge under "preponderance of the evidence"?

The two higher evidentiary standards are "substantial evidence" and "clear and convincing evidence".  Either of these theoretically provide increased protections for the rights of the accused/defendant.

Of these three evidentiary standards, guess which one Utah's unelected bureaucrats chose when it comes to "hearings" for gun owners whose concealed carry "permits" have been denied/revoked?

You guessed it: According to "administrative rule" R722-300-10. Review Hearing Before the Board, "preponderance of the evidence," the lowest, most pathetic "standard."

Isn't it wonderful to live in a state where gun owners are compelled to obtain a government permission slip to exercise their natural rights?  And then, when accused of something, to be hauled in front of an unelected, jury-less, bureaucratic court to suffer under the lowest standard of protection available?

Is anyone still amazed that Utah is arguably the fraud capital of America?

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These two street thugs run the show.  Read, "Two Bullies Steal Your Rights."
6. Appropriate Action

SB 67 has passed the entire state senate, and is being pushed by "leadership" through the state house.  See its bill status page.

Barring a very concerted and immediate effort by Utah's right-to-keep-and-bear-arms community, it will be enacted by the powerful and corrupt special interests that dominate the administrative rules process.

More Utahans need to comprehend how house speaker Brad Wilson and senate president Stuart Adams are running roughshod over their state legislators.  These two tyrants set the rules, dominate the entire process, and coerce others to bow to their whims and wishes.

Learn more by reading, "Two Bullies Steal Your Rights."  UT Gun Rights will provide additional resources in the near future.

For actions you can take right now, see the article, "What You Can Do."

And keep watching UT Gun Rights' 2020 Bill Tracking Page: The Good, The Bad, & the Ugly for critical updates on general session bills.

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Click here to go back to The 2020 Bill Tracking Page: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.


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