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Thanks to people like you, HB 3009 died in the house.

HB 3009: Forced Vaccinations by Local Tyrants!

Threat briefing last updated: 4/24/2020 at 7:44p

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Summary: House Bill 3009 (HB 3009) is worse than originally exposed.  In addition to leaving current bureaucratic powers of local health departments intact, it creates and expands sweeping new statutory powers that can be exercised by any county or municipal regime.

The inmates are running the asylum... and driving Utah and America off the cliff of no return.
Under the new term "local orders of constraint," a mayor, or even an unelected city manager, could order Citizens to be forcibly vaccinated, medicated, incarcerated, have their firearms seized, and their other property stolen.

Current statutory religious exemptions, firearms exemptions, or requirements that public hearings and/or judicial review be conducted, would NOT apply.

HB 3009 also empowers local "heath" departments to issue "civil" fines related to these new, sweeping powers, to punish those who refuse to bow down to their unconscionable abuses — again without meaningful due process protections.

HB 3009 represents ACTS OF EXTREME AGGRESSION against the People of Utah, their freedoms, and everything America once stood for.  It manufactures another diabolical mechanism for regimes to strip innocent Citizens of their natural rights to free movement, association, property, health care, and self-defense.

Position: UT Gun Rights opposes this bill.

Status: Thanks to people like you, HB 3009 died in the house.  See its bill status page.

Action: Find and contact your house, senate, and executive branch officials. Call, text, and email them with your feelings about this bill, and the fact that it was even presented.  Be cautious in how you express yourself, especially now, by being aware of the following warnings.

Sponsors: Timothy Hawkes ("Republican") in the house, and Jacob Anderegg ("Republican") in the senate.

Threat Assessment

Jump down to any topic:

Peaceful Disclaimer

Piling Fuel on a Simmering Inferno

Current Code is Bad Enough

    States of Emergency

    Local Health Department Powers & Protections

New "Local Order of Constraint" is Terrifying

    Insane Bureaucratic Power Trips

    "Civil" Court Entrapment

Fake Opposition Reveal True Colors

    Utah's Big-Mouthed Sheriffs Nowhere to be Found

    Libertas Institute a Servile Tool for Regime

Malevolent Clown Show in Progress

Appropriate PEACEFUL Action

Long food lines in states like Alabama are coming to Utah.
Peaceful Disclaimer

First, a serious disclaimer... The following analysis does NOT constitute a threat of violence, and should NOT, in any way, be perceived as one.  According to UT Gun Rights' Organizational Policies:

"Peaceful.  UT Gun Rights does NOT condone acts of offensive violence."

It is with a view toward peace that UT Gun Rights offers the following blunt, sobering, real-world assessment of the political crimes of Utah's sociopathic eliteg, and the growing public sentiment against the tyrannical actions of their corrupt regime.  UT Gun Rights is constrained ethically to repeatedly sound the following alarm:

Unless Utah officials quickly pull their collective heads out of their asses, violent civil conflict and chaos may be an unavoidable consequence.

Tens-of-thousands of Utahans have, without a shot fired, been forced to abandon their livelihoods and essential activities.  Potentially hundreds-of-thousands more Utahans will soon follow them.

Most Utahans recognize the dire threat of supply chain disruptions of vital goods and services.  They feel the suffocating decline of their meager, dwindling bank account funds, as they frantically attempt to cope with this largely-manufactured, "new normal" nonsense.

Apparently, only the most NON-ESSENTIAL people in Utah politicians, lobbyists, and their so-called "experts" are oblivious to the terrible storm on the horizon.

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Utah's NON-ESSENTIAL nobody.
Piling Fuel on a Simmering Inferno

As each day of "Martial Law Lite" drags on, and America's economic destruction becomes more assured, Utahans will increasingly resist the hodge-podge mess of dehumanizing, absurd, and intolerable usurpations of their natural rights.

Threats of passive disruption, which has already been demonstrated in Salt Lake City, and even violent civil disobedience, are real and continue to grow exponentially.

Perhaps by design.  Rather than check Gary "Fudd" Herbert's grotesque, outrageous seizure of unjust powers, the statutarium (aka "legislature") seems intent on effeminately enabling and coddling further tyrannical abuses.

Despicable bills like HB 3009 are deliberately crafted to further erode evaporating public trust and worsen the social tragedy unfolding.

The same corrupt politicans who shovelled more gun control on Utahans during the 2020 legislative session are at it again — determined to further alienate the People they pretend to serve.

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Utah already protects local tyrants.  In 2017, Utah Nurse Alex Wubbels was violently arrested after refusing to draw blood from an unconscious accident victim.  Her perpetrator, then-detective Jeff Payne, was never charged with a crime.  His supervisor, James Tracy, is still employed with the SLC Police Department. 
Current Code is Bad Enough

As UT Gun Rights has attempted to warn over the years, this regime exploits real or manufactured crises to tighten its regulatory noose around your freedoms.

Again, a cursory perusal of the Bad Bills enacted in 2020 general session provide ample evidence of the disdain Utah's officials have for justice and fairness.

As a result of years of such criminal behavior, state statute has become a nightmarish mess.

States of Emergency

Current statute allows the governor to call a "state of emergency" with some limitations.  According to 53-2A-206(3), for example,

"A state of emergency may not continue for longer than 30 days unless extended by joint resolution of the Legislature, which may also terminate a state of emergency by joint resolution at any time."

These declarations are supposed to be followed by local officials without significant deviation.  According to 53-2A-205(1)(b):

"The chief executive officer may not take an action that is inconsistent with any order, rule, regulation, or action of the governor."

According to 53-2A-208, a chief executive officer may likewise declare a local emergency.  According to 53-2A-209(1), however,

"All orders, rules, and regulations... [issued by the chief executive officer may] ...not [be] in conflict with existing laws...."

There are, for example, many statutory restrictions provided in 53-2A-205, with regard to evacuations.

Or in 53-2A-214, which prohibits additional restrictions on, and confiscation of, a firearm or ammunition.

Utah has been infected by a Chinese virus that is far worse than the Coronavirus.
Local "Health" Department Powers & Protections

Current statute also provides broad latitude for local health departments to boss people around.  According to statute 67-1a-15, local health departments are considered a "limited purpose entity."

(i) "Limited purpose entity" means a legal entity that:
(A) performs a single governmental function or limited governmental functions; and
(B) is not a state executive branch agency, a state legislative office, or within the judicial branch.

These pseudo-governmental "entities" already enjoy broad, alarming powers.  From statute 26A-1-114:

26A-1-114.  Powers and duties of departments.
(1) A local health department may:...
(b) establish, maintain, and enforce isolation and quarantine, and exercise physical control over property and over individuals as the local health department finds necessary for the protection of the public health;...
(d) establish and operate reasonable health programs or measures not in conflict with state law which:
(i) are necessary or desirable for the promotion or protection of the public health and the control of disease; or
(ii) may be necessary to ameliorate the major risk factors associated with the major causes of injury, sickness, death, and disability in the state;
(e) close theaters, schools, and other public places and prohibit gatherings of people when necessary to protect the public health... [bold added]

This statutory language is vague enough to drive a truck through.  For example, what does, "...exercise physical control over property and over individuals..." include?  Does that include forcing at blood test or vaccination?  It apparently would include shutting down, or seizing control of, any business the local health department desires to close.

Statute 26A-1-123 also provides stiff penalties for those who violate such decrees.

Pretty impressive powers for an "entity" that isn't really a part of the three branches framework you learned about in school, don't you think?

There are a few small roadblocks to the potential mischief by local health boards, however.  For example, in the same chapter, 26A-1-121(1), local boards may NOT arbitrarily supercede, or be in conflict with, higher state agencies, federal code, state statute, and state "administrative" statute.

Before the local health boards can ignore those higher powers, they must solicit public comment by holding a public hearing of record that has been publicized.

Paragraph (2) of the same section outlines an appeals process for "aggrieved" persons with both the local board and also the judicial branch.  In other words, they have to theoretically abide by a public process before they can do whatever they want.

Another roadblock to local health board tyranny exists in the form of a "religious exemption" in 26A-1-124:

"This part does not authorize a local health department to impose on any person any mode of treatment inconsistent with the creed or tenets of any religious denomination of which the person is an adherent, provided the person complies with sanitary and quarantine laws, rules, and regulations."

It's a very weak exemption, but it does exist, and puts things like mandatory vaccines, tests, and medicines into a greyer area of statute that might trigger, and strengthen, the ability to obtain relief from the aforementioned public input and judicial review processes.

In truth, local health boards should NOT be pseudo-governmental organs at all.  They should be:

1) Part of the local government;

2) Stripped of nearly all their powers, and

3) Subservient to stringent public and judicial review processes.

Despite bold claims by the Libertas Institute that HB 3009 restricts local health boards, however, all of the statutes described above are neither substantively modified nor repealed in HB 3009.

Instead, brand new mechanisms of perverse power are created that are more frightening than existing statute.

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This is what these sociopaths mean by "local control."  They take their cues from the communist regime of China, which has terrorized the Chinese people, abused them like animals, and subjected them to barbaric torture. 
New "Local Order of Constraint" is Terrifying

An entirely new chapter (11-65) is enacted by HB 3009, and is almost entirely separate and distinct from the statutes discussed in the previous section.  

Lines 76-77 of HB 3009 again reference county and city mayors, and even unelected city managers, as "chief executive officers."

Lines 79-83 grant these "chief executive officers" the power to declare local emergencies:

(2) "Declared emergency" means, in accordance with Title 53, Chapter 2a, Emergency Management Act:

(a) a local emergency that the chief executive officer of a municipality or county declares; or

(b) a state of emergency that the governor declares. [bold added]

Here's where it gets crazy.  According to lines 96-123, these "chief executive officers," upon declaring a "local emergency," may issue "local orders of constraint."

In 2019, Salt Lake County mayor Jennifer Wilson abused her power by acting "under color of the law" to coerce private vendors associated with gun shows held in county facilities to subject private sales to a federal background check.  After the April 18 protest, she is pondering additional powers to discourage future protests. Imagine how much fun she'll have with HB 3009?
"Local orders of constraint" do NOT currently exist in Utah statute.  These orders can include almost anything, including,

*  The establishment, maintenance, and enforcement of isolation or quarantine (line 105);

* Stay-at-home orders (line 106);

* Physical control over property and over individuals (line 107);

* Closure of theaters, schools, or other public places (line 108), and

* Prohibition of gatherings of people (line 108).

Sounds a lot like the local health department orders in the previous topic, don't they?

But they're not the same as the local health orders in 26A-1.  And they're not the same as the "chief executive officer's" "state of emergency" declarations in 53-2A either.

In fact, they're a hybrid Beast of these two mechanisms, but without the protections of either.  Here are some of the dangers of these "orders of constraint":

* These particular orders can remain in force for 14 days without being ratified by the local legislative body, which is somewhat different from 26A-1 and 53-2A.

* So long as the governor or local legislative authority do NOT rescind it, there is no prohibition on reissuing the same order again.  Simply wait 5 minutes after the order expires and then re-issue it for another 14 days.  And repeat that process indefinitely.

* There is no requirement that the order comply with existing law (as there is in 53-2A-209(1)).

* There is no required public hearing of record if the order goes beyond existing law (as there is in 26A-1-121(1)).

* There is no appeals process for "aggrieved" persons (as there is in 26A-1-121(2)).

* There is no judicial branch review requirement (as there is in 26A-1-121(2)).

* There is no religious exemption specified (as there is in 26A-1-124).

* There is no prohibition against additional restrictions on, and confiscation of, a firearm or ammunition (as there is in 53-2A-214).

Updated 4/22/2020: Again, "orders of constraint" are only defined in this new chapter (11-65).  They exist nowhere else in Utah statute.  Therefore, one must look at THAT new chapter (11-65) to DEFINE this new mechanism (or tool) of power.

And just below this new "orders of constraint" mechanism is the following superseding clause in lines 125-128:

11-65-103. Relation to other law -- SUSPENSION.
(1) This chapter supersedes ANY conflicting provision of Utah law.
(2) Notwithstanding ANY other provision of law, the governor may NOT suspend the application or enforcement of this chapter. [bold and bold caps added]

Local petty dictators like SLC mayor Erin Mendenhall, whose claim to fame is a B.S. in "Gender Studies," is wishing upon a deviant star for the wonderful opportunity to exercise the Draconian powers granted by HB 3009 Childish, bat-shit-crazy, power-tripping fools like Mendenhall are perpetrating an economic and political carnage that will destroy America.
In other words, "local orders of constraint" stand independent, and above, anything else in existing statute, and its described powers in this new chapter (11-65) must be comprehended that way.

Not even the governor can "suspend the application or enforcement" of these "orders of constraint."  [As was described below, he can only modify or veto them AFTER they are issued.]

Therefore, these local "chief executive officers" could, through the power of  exercising "physical control over... individuals," (line 107), lock people up, forcibly vaccinate and/or medicate them, seize their firearms, and subject them to whatever mistreatment and abuse they wanted to all without substantive review or protections available in other parts of Utah statute.

Lines 141-147 and elsewhere indicate that the governor could modify or rescind such a "declared emergency," along with any "local order of constraint."

But how often can you imagine Gary "Fudd" Herbert's effeminate veto pen stopping them?  This is the same decrepid imbecile who publicly endorsed background checks for BB guns.

Or will you trust Herbert's replacement (if Utah actually manages to hold a legitimate election)?  How about gubernatorial hopeful, "homegrown" political terrorist Spencer Cox, who secretly collaborated with Herbert to destroy permitless concealed carry?  Would you bet on Cox suddenly growing enough kahones to rein in the local tyrants?

The other potential roadblock is the local legislative body, which can rescind these orders.  But what if they are prevented from meeting by the "chief executive officer"?  What if they are otherwise incapacitated?  Or what if the majority of them are controlled by bed-wetting Democrats and/or effeminate Republicans?

Also, theoretically the legislature could NOT rescind such a local "declared emergency" without first altering state statute to allow themselves the power.  But unless they passed that future bill by a two-thirds majority, they would be subject to a veto by the governor.

Starting to see the mess the statutarium (aka "legislature") is creating yet again?  If they can't get their tyrannical agenda pushed through at the state level, they will push it through piecemeal at the local level.

Unmasked... Anthony Fauci (aka "FauxChi Minh") and the gang, showing how seriously they take their "social distancing" bullshit, which has yet to be proven effective. "FauxChi Minh" enjoys interesting connections to WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom and the glorious Clinton Foundation.
Insane Bureaucratic Power Trips

According to lines 351-361 of HB 3009, unelected local health department bureaucrats will become Statute Enforcement Agents (SEAs) with the power to directly fine innocent Utahans for defying these "local orders of constraint":

(1) In the case of a declared emergency related to a pandemic or epidemic, in addition to imposing and enforcing an order of restriction in accordance with Title 26, Chapter 6b, Communicable Diseases - Treatment, Isolation, and Quarantine Procedures, except as provided in Subsection (2), a local health department may impose a civil penalty of up to $1,000 for a violation of a chief executive's local order of constraint that constitutes a stay-at-home order if:

(a) the individual has tested positive for the pandemic or epidemic disease;

(b) the chief executive or local health department has expressly directed the individual, in writing, to comply with the stay-at-home order; and

(c) the individual violates the stay-at-home order.

(2) A local health department may not impose the penalty described in Subsection (1) if the individual leaves the individual's residence to seek necessary medical attention. [bold added]

Masked... Lines of those forced from their jobs begin forming outside the Hialeah, Florida, unemployment office.
Aside from the paramount issue of natural rights, and the absence of meaningful due process, determining someone's guilt or innocence based upon a "positive" medical test is asinine.  For example:

* Medical tests are frequently wrong, or are incorrectly interpreted.

* Studies are yet to be convincingly disproven suggesting that COVID-19 tests produce high rates of "false positives."

* Rampant fraud and lack of quality control continue to plague testing;

* World-renowned experts dispute whether these test have been properly validated;

* The disreputable World Health Organization (WHO) is solely in charge of what constitutes an "approved" test, and

* In the case of COVID-19, it has been officially and repeatedly acknowledged that the majority of people who contract COVID-19 experience no, to mild, symptoms.  Will we quarantine indefinitely healthy people who resist a virus in favor of the weak who could self-isolate if they chose to?

And what if the individual is hungry and needs to eat?  Or must visit a sick family member?  Or desires to exercise any right associated with keeping and bearing arms?  Or wishes to protest the tyrannical regime that is destroying his future?

Can you picture your local "health" department communist partisan listening to your pleas for mercy with a compassionate ear?

Justice is the furthest thing from their minds.
"Civil" Court Entrapment

Speaking of two-bit Napoleons, how believable is it that a "civil," jury-less court dictator (aka "judge") would side with you rather than a "social worker"?

In "civil" (i.e. NOT criminal) proceedings, there are three potential "evidentiary standards," or levels of burden which a prosecutor must "satisfy," in order for the court (jury or jury-less) to rule against the accused/defendant.

The least protective (i.e. flimsiest) standard for the accused is "preponderance of the evidence."  That's the standard you'll be subjected to.  Here is one explanation of this standard:

"This standard requires the jury to return a judgment in favor of the plaintiff [aka "prosecutor"] if the plaintiff is able to show that a particular fact or event was more likely than not to have occurred. Some scholars define the preponderance of the evidence standard as requiring a finding that at least 51 percent of the evidence favors the plaintiff’s outcome."
Source: "Evidentiary Standards and Burdens of Proof," Justia, May 2019.

As UT Gun Rights discussed in Courts of InJustice versus Clark Aposhian, "civil" courts can easily be filled with the testimony of government agents from various agencies.  If two or more agents testify that you, the accused/defendant, were somehow violating their unjust commands, and your testimony is all you have in your defense, guess who wins the 51% challenge under "preponderance of the evidence"?

And what does "expressly directed the individual, in writing,..." mean?  A broad-brushed general edict posted publicly will almost certainly be sufficient "warning."

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With friends like these....
Fake Opposition Reveal True Colors

"THESE are the times that try men's souls.  The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.  Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.  What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.  Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated." American revolutionary soldier and author, Thomas Paine, The Crisis, 1776

In case you were comatose, Utah is America's fraud capital.  Utah's capitol is a sick, degenerate "pay-to-play" underworld, where your sacred rights are bought and sold like playthings.

As a result, Utah society has degenerated into a reeking carcass of "haves," "have nots," and those who sell their souls to enjoy the effeminate graces of the "haves."

Utah's "sheriffs" whine and cry when their bullshit is called.  See, "Sheriffs' Association President Whines at UT Gun Rights." These "heroes of the Constitution" openly opposed a permitless concealed carry bill in 2013.
Utah's Big-Mouthed Sheriffs Nowhere to be Found

Utah's sheriffs are full of tough talk and bad-boy bravado regarding their supposed commitment to defending the US Constitution, Second Amendment, and the rights of Citizens.  They're "champions of the People," ready to stand against tyranny wherever it reveals its ugly face, remember?

Take a hard look at the Utah Sheriffs' Association official website.  Peruse the wonderful welcome message from their president, or their exciting "Recent News" page.

Can you find ANYTHING on their site about resisting the tyranny engulfing Utah and America?  Any notation, or even footnote, regarding a single sheriff in Utah who is fulfilling his oath of office?

Remember when Utah County became Utah's first "Second Amendment Sanctuary" a few months ago?  Or Uintah County a little while after that?  Remember all the hooplah and fanfare they received from excited gun owners?  Utah is standing up to tyranny!

Well, certainly Utah's bold and brave sheriffs must be openly opposing Gary "Fudd" Herbert's insatiable lust for power.  They are surely rallying the People against the open, unabashed tyranny right in front of their noses, yes?

The only back Utah's "sheriffs" have are their own backs.  See, for example, "Warning! Utah's 'Cannabis' Bill Designed to Entrap Gun Owners."
Sure about that?  Take a gander at the Utah County Sheriff's official website and Facebook page.

Or the Uintah County Sheriff's official website and Facebook page.

Any signs of life there?  Even so much as a mousey peep of mild discomfort?

Thousands of Utah Citizens rallied big in St George and Salt Lake City last week.  Notice any sheriffs there leading the crowds with impassioned speeches?  None?

You shouldn't be shocked.  You should know by now that it's all bullshit.  Back in 2013, UT Gun Rights painstakingly revealed the truth in, "Why Did Utah's Sheriffs Oppose HB 76?"

Utah's sheriffs openly lobbied against a bill to restore the right of citizens to carry firearms concealed, even if the firearm were in an "unloaded" condition! Rather than own up to it when they were exposed publicly, they whined about it.

And lest you imagine Utah's police chiefs are any better, read, "Utah Police Chiefs Overwhlemingly Support Gun Control."  Collectively, they are at least as abysmal.

Sheriffs and police chiefs lobby for gun control via AG Sean "Rambo" Reyes' secretive Utah Law [sic] Enforcement Legislative Committee (ULELC). Good luck getting the minutes to their secret "public" meetings.
The heads of both the Utah Sheriffs' Association and Utah Chiefs of Police Association sit on the Utah Law [sic] Enforcement Legislative Committee.  This secretive group is headed up by Utah attorney general Sean "Rambo" Reyes and actively lobbies for gun control every session.

You think those effeminate cowards would stand up in any meaningful way today?  Well, when you run out of money to purchase food, try dining on their campaign promises.

As US General George S. Patton (1885-1945) allegedly warned,

"Politicians are the worst; they'll wear their country's flag in public, but they'll use it to wipe their asses in the caucus room, if they think it will gain them a vote."

Over many years, it was repeatedly proven that Utah's sheriffs are frauds, con artists, and pretenders.  And Utah gun owners tolerated it.

With "friends" like these...
Libertas Institute a Servile Tool for Regime

The Libertas Institute has, once again, prepared a woefully inaccurate analysis that shameless legislators are regurgitating widely to cover up their manipulation, deceit, and abiding contempt for the rule of law, justice, and the People they pretend to serve.

Libertas' damage to the effort to kill HB 3009 is both significant and instructive.  For example, in an email to UT Gun Rights, house member Brad Last, ended his response with the following:

Connor Boyack, head of the Libertas Institute, an organization the prides itself on protecting people's personal liberties, wrote this article explaining HB 3009 and why his organization supports it.


I hope this information has addressed your concerns.


Brad Last

Senate member Todd Weiler wrote:

Todd Weiler

When dealing with these certifiable narcissists and sociopaths, any individual or organization will make mistakes.  UT Gun Rights makes mistakes as well.

Providing cover for legislators is becoming a habit with Libertas, however.  In 2014, they supported HB 276, which UT Gun Rights repeatedly exposed as a massive attack on open carry gun owners.

In 2018, Libertas president Connor Boyack secretly met with top legislators and corporate lobbyists to craft legislation dealing with medical cannabis.  Rather than invite public input, group members attempted to deny the existence of their draft bill.

The results of that secret group was HB 3001, Substitute 6, which was enacted in a matter of hours of its release to the public without so much as a public hearing.  Boyack publicly thanked his secretive co-conspirators, former house speaker Greg Hughes and current senator Evan Vickers, for their collaboration.

HB 3001 led to Boyack's collaboration on SB 1002 in 2019, which UT Gun Rights reported on in, "Warning! Utah's "Cannabis" Bill Designed to Entrap Gun Owners."  In other words, the entire effort has been a mess.

Rather than serve as the liveried manservant to NON-ESSENTIAL political criminals and lowlifes, Libertas should seek distance, objectivity, and clarity far from their nefarious and corrupting influences.

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The clowns in charge aren't cute and cuddly.
Malevolent Clown Show in Progress

The Coronavirus scare has highlighted the illegitimacy, unethical amorality, and profound lack of credibility by those who manage Utah and America.  Here are a few examples:

Mask Mayhem. Americans were first informed that masks were useless and not to bother.  Then that they needed N95 masks anyway.

When people bought them anyway, they were berated for purchasing them and told that masks were only important for medical personnel.  On April 4, the CDC announced that masks are recommended, and some states now require masks.

Social Distance Follies. Originally, there was no reason to keep one's distance.  Then it was 6-feet, despite the fact that multiple studies (source 1, source 2) indicated the likelihood that the virus could travel much farther, and remain at infectious levels for hours.  Finally, it is now grudgingly admitted that the more correct distance should be several times 6-feet.

The CDC's clown show is getting people killed, and destroying America's future.
CDC Fudging Death Certificates. As reported by Justice4all.blog, the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) March 24, 2020, policy directs hospitals to list COVID-19 (i.e. Coronavirus) as the primary cause of death even if it is merely, "assumed to have … contributed to death."

A positive test or solid evidence is NOT required, and follow-up investigation is unlikely.  This unheard-of policy empowers the CDC to "cook the books" and thereby promote a dangerous political agenda involving fear and panic.

This CDC policy was confirmed in the April 7, 2020, White House press conference by Dr. Deborah Birx, Coronavirus Response Coordinator for the White House Coronavirus Task Force, who stated,

"If someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death."

In other words, no matter what the cause of death, if the victim has COVID-19, that is to be the primary cause listed on the death certificate.

Utah's bizarre political theater encapsulated in a single photo. [Note: This is an undoctored photo taken in the Utah house.]
Nationwide Hospital Staff Layoffs & Cuts.  First we hear the impact on hospitals will be minimal.  Later we hear that hospitals will be overwhelmed with Coronavirus victims.

Elective procedures are postponed, and hospital spaces are cordoned off, to "get ready for the surge."  To such a degree and scope that there isn't enough work to go around for hospital staff.

The consequences include massive layoffs of doctors, nurses, and other staff.  See, for example,

* "During a Pandemic, an Unanticipated Problem: Out-of-Work Health Workers," By Ellen Gabler, Zach Montague and Grace Ashford, New York Times, April 3, 2020.

* "A Major Medical Staffing Company Just Slashed Benefits for Doctors and Nurses Fighting Coronavirus," by Isaac Arnsdorf, Pro Publica, March 31, 2020. 

* "Thousands of US medical workers furloughed, laid off as routine patient visits drop during coronavirus pandemic," Kim Norvell and Jayne O'Donnell, USA TODAY NETWORK, April 2, 2020.

* "Intermountain will cut pay for doctors and nurse practitioners amid coronavirus pandemic," Courtney Tanner, Salt Lake Tribune, March 30, 2020.

Doing his best to represent the "new abnormal."
Pushing Mandatory Vaccinations & Digital IDs.  Rather than admit that the Coronavirus never materialized in western European nations as they had apparently hoped, the clown show is intensifying with increasing talk of the need for "solutions" like mandatory vaccines and digital IDs in order to return to "civilized" life.

See, for example, Bill Gates, of Microsoft infamy:

* "Bill Gates Calls for a 'Digital Certificate' to Identify Who Received COVID-19 Vaccine," by Vigilant Citizen, April 1, 2020.

* "Bill Gates and his coronavirus conflicts of interest," by Cheryl K. Chumley, The Washington Times, April 2, 2020.

* "The Dark Truth About Fauci and Birx, Bill Gates And Globalist Elites," by Patrick Howley, National File, April 13, 2020.

* "Gates Foundation calls for global cooperation on vaccine for 7 billion people," Paul Handley, AFP, April 15, 2020.

Cars wait in line for the food bank in San Antonio, Texas.
Out of Chaos, More Chaos.  The result of all this panic, confusion, and chaos?  Twenty-two million Americans are jobless, and the entire economy is on the verge of collapse.

The clowns in charge aren't friendly.  They relish the destruction happening around them, and couldn't care less whether you eat or starve.

In Utah, statutators (aka "legislators"), Republican and Democrat, continue to sell your rights in their perverse "pay-to-play" underworld These effeminate political criminals continue to demonstrate why Utah is America's fraud capital.

Instead of reconnecting with the People of Utah, NON-ESSENTIAL sellouts like "Available Jones" Herbert are playing the fiddle while Rome burns around them.  They are, "...expressing solidarity with the Chinese people...," and ignoring their own People.  They adore, and desire to emulate, the brutal communist Chinese regime, and reject American jurisprudence.

Unlike the terrorized Chinese peoples, who are abused like animals and subjected to barbaric torture, however, Utahans have managed to retain a portion of their natural rights to keep and bear arms.

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Behold the most NON-ESSENTIAL group of lowlifes infesting Utah with their poison.
Appropriate PEACEFUL Action

The "emergency session" started April 16, 2020, and ended on April 23, 2020.  Thanks to people like you, HB 3009 died in the house.  See HB 3009's bill status page.

Contact your officials: Find your house, senate, and executive branch officials.  Call, text, and email them with your feelings about this bill, and the fact that it was even presented.

Be cautious in how you express yourself, especially now, by being aware of the following warnings.

These two thugs run the legislative show.  Read, "Two Bullies Steal Your Rights."
Recognize who runs the show: House speaker Brad Wilson and senate president Stuart Adams are running roughshod over your state legislators.  These two de facto dictators set the rules, dominate the entire process, and coerce others to bow to their whims and wishes.

Learn more by reading, "Two Bullies Steal Your Rights."  UT Gun Rights will provide additional resources soon.

Take additional actions: It is past time for those who claim to desire peace to get off their asses.  These insane sociopaths are about to finish driving Utah and America into the abyss of no return.

Where are all of the men in Utah?  Where are the leaders who will rise up against these outrages?  Why do they remain, collectively, so silent and pandering?

For other peaceful actions you can take right now, see the article, "What You Can Do."

And keep watching UT Gun Rights' 2020 Bill Tracking Page: The Good, The Bad, & the Ugly for critical updates on special session bills and other threats.

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Supplemental: Other Views on HB 3009

Click here to consider Defending Utah's analysis and opinion regarding HB 3009.

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Click here to go back to The 2020 Bill Tracking Page: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.


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